Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Electrical India Magazine

Electrical India Magazine

Electrical India magazine, India's oldest magazine on the electrical sector published by the chary group pf publications. It is an exclusive magazine on the air conditioning and refrigeration industry. View the latest issues and updates for electrical sector.

Clean, and affordable energy supply key for energy security through Indo-US cooperation

Both India and United States depend on foreign oil from unstable parts of the world. Energy challenges for both countries will grow in the future as traditional fuel sources are stretched. This calls for Indo-US co-operation to augment supply of clean, diverse and affordable energy sources, said Mr. C. A. Bud Albright, Under Secretary, United States Department of Energy, at the Round Table Session on US-India Energy Dialogue, jointly organized by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and US India Business Council (USIBC). According to him, the US is fully committed to research and technology development in critical areas such as nano-technology, hydrogen, advanced nuclear, biofuels and clean coal technologies. However, meeting future challenges effectively would require a change in fundamental rules of the present energy dynamics.
The private sector is a key player in technology development and licensing in the US and the present US administration encourages transfer of clean technologies by US companies to other countries. The real breakthrough innovations are likely to happen in the private sector, and India can contribute significantly in meeting future energy challenges, given its robust private entrepreneurship, emphasized Mr. Albright. Mr. R.V. Shahi, Chairman, India Infratech, in his welcome and opening remarks opined that dominance of coal in Indian energy mix is inevitable and therefore, concerted efforts are required on minimizing the adverse impacts of coal use in power generation. To this end, clean coal technologies and projects such as 'Futuregen' are extremely important. Technology is the key to ensure long-term sustainable development, said Mr. Ron Somers, President, US-India Business Council. The key drivers for the development of the energy sector in India would be market pricing, open access and transparency. India needs to push for successful replication of private distribution models of electricity to create viable demand centers, he added.

India & Israel join to build technologies for alternative energy

Potential synergy between India and Israel companies with characteristics of each side can be a winning combination in global context", said Mr Daniel Zohar Zonshine, Consul General of Israel at the CII interactive session on 'Renewable Energy Technologies: Opportunities for Collaboration with Israel' held in Mumbai. The Department of Science -Government of India, with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has for the first time established a non-profit autonomous society - ‘Global Innovation and Technology Alliance’ (GITA) to manage bilateral industrial R&D programmes. The current session is aimed in providing a platform for the Indian and Israel companies to cooperate and collaborate in building newer technologies under the India-Israel Industrial R&D Programme. "With the deepening energy crisis and oil prices touching $100 a barrel, time has come to look at and develop alternative energy resources which are efficient and cost effective", stressed Mr Daniel Zohar Zonshine. Speaking on the importance of R&D in Israel, the Consul General mentioned that Israel is currently putting 4.7% of its GDP in R&D. "We have ideas and technologies and are now looking for cooperation to make renewable energy technologies economical", emphasized Mr Zonshine.

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